Marelena Halikias

Gabby Costello, junior, will be joining the website’s staff.

Gabby Costello, junior (Online)

Devils’ Advocate: What are some of your interests/hobbies?

Gabby Costello: I babysit a lot, and I cheer for Hinsdale Central. I also volunteer at the hospital on Saturdays.

DA: How did you hear about Devils’ Advocate?

GC: I took Journalism I.

DA: What made you want to join Devils’ Advocate?

GC: I like writing, so I thought Devils’ Advocate would be fun and a good elective to take.

DA: What are you most excited for now that you’re in Devils’ Advocate?

GC: Writing stories and being more involved in the school.

DA: What are you hoping your position next year will be?

GC: Writer.

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