Family ties: Students with faculty-member parents

Jenny and Lauren Mack
As senior Lauren Mack walks down the hall, she sees a familiar face. She shouts, “Mom!” multiple times as her peers give her confused looks. While most students and faculty members don’t expect to hear “mom” being yelled at school, Mrs. Jenny Mack, administrative assistant, does. Mack, who is Lauren’s mother, has been working at Central for all four years that Lauren has been attending.
“It’s kind of a shock sometimes because you don’t expect to see her [mom],” Lauren Mack said.
Similar interactions take place in the hallways with Morgan Serwat, senior, Regan Serwat, junior and their dad Mr. Len Serwat, P.E teacher. “I make sure they [Morgan and Regan] say ‘hi’,” Serwat said.
“Usually when we see each other in the halls we make weird faces at each other or say hey in ‘let’s pretend we’re cool’ voices,” Morgan Serwat said.
Although Lauren Mack was a little embarrassed about going to school with her mom during her freshman year, it turned out to be an advantage. “I was never lost or anything,” Lauren Mack said.
Similarly, when Morgan Serwat entered the school she felt prepared for high school because she had been to school many times before. “A huge advantage I had coming into high school is I already knew what was going on and the lay of the land, since I’ve been coming to work with my dad since I can remember,” Morgan said.
Serwat and his wife both went to school at Central and have lived in the district ever since they were married. According to Serwat, there wasn’t a lot of discussion in whether [Morgan and Regan] should go to school here.
However for Mack, there was some hesitation. “It was a little uncomfortable in the beginning. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to work in the same school with her, but it was such a great opportunity I just had to take it and then let it work itself out in the end. It ended up being fine,” Mack said.
Morgan Serwat feels there is more pressure on her, especially in gym class. “I definitely am obligated to do more in gym class than other people, and if I were to ever get a “B” in it I’d probably be grounded,” Morgan Serwat said.
According to both Morgan and Regan Serwat, her dad knows many teachers at the school. “He finds out everything and has his connections which can be a good or bad thing,” said Regan Serwat, junior.
Mack also is harder on Lauren academically. “I can keep constant track of what’s going on, go to home access center, check her grades. I can sometimes ask teachers in the hallway how things are going and they might give me some information that I can talk to her about right away,” Mack said.
Another advantage for the parent is they are able to keep track of what’s going on around the school. “There’s so many things that go on at this school that I don’t think parents are aware of, so it’s nice to have the inside edge on it to see everything that’s coming up and even dances and special activities,” Mack said.
However, there are a few more advantages for the students than the parents. All students agree that it’s an advantage to be able to get money and get something signed. In addition, Regan Serwat stated she can even sleep in his office, during her lunch period.
“She made my high school experience better, because I feel like if she wasn’t here I probably wouldn’t have known a lot of stuff at central like clubs and activities that have made my high school experience great. I’m thankful for her because she always showed me those opportunities,” Lauren Mack said.