The silent guardians of Central students
Nurses Leah Block and Cecelia Littlefield take care of students at Central.
They work tirelessly from their small office, protecting the health of the student body. They work diligently in their efforts to ensure that every student feels safe physically and mentally. They work with passion. They are the nurses at Central.
“I love interacting with the students here at Hinsdale Central,” said Leah Block, who has been a nurse at the school since August, but had practiced before coming to Central. “I became a nurse because I always enjoyed interacting with people. I love helping kids and making their day better. Kids often come in for all sorts of reasons. The most common things usually involve cold or flu symptoms. We even provide emotional support for some kids. Usually when kids come in, they tell their stories and we decide how to treat them from there.”
In a school full of athletes and high academic achievers, students’ health is vital. The nurses are trained to deal with a variety of ailments ranging from sprained ankles to allergy-induced anaphylaxis, where the throat closes due to intense allergies. Some students even find comfort seeking some emotional support from the nurses. Whatever the infliction may be, the nurses are trained and ready.
“We do our continuing education here at Central,” said Cecelia Littlefield, nurse. “DuPage County health department updates us with important information every so often. As we head into cold and flu season, students should really remember to wash their hands. It is a universal precaution that everyone forgets about. Just do the things mothers talk about all the time.”
Besides keeping up to date with the latest in local health news, the nurses also have quite a bit of knowledge on some of the recent health crises. “If an Ebola outbreak were to happen, they really need to quarantine the area. I believe 21 days is the usual protocol. My daughter was working on the campus where one of the recent Ebola patients was being treated. I was really worried about her, but I know she will be safe. Students should keep in mind that cases are still low and they should keep perspective,” Littlefield said.
The nurses’ office can be found near the front entrance in room 123. Students who feel any kind of physical or mental discomfort should seek help immediately.