An inside look at JKB: the club for student athletes
So what exactly does JKB do?
This is a question most of Hinsdale’s Central’s students have asked over the years. If you’ve never played a sport, you might not have ever heard of JKB. All most students seem to know is that you have to be on a sport to get into the club and that it’s somewhat leadership-oriented. We asked some of JKB’s members and one of their sponsors, Mr. Wilbur, to explain just exactly what it is. What we found out was that JKB operates on a smaller level, and that’s why most people don’t know much about it. One thing’s for sure: JKB members are student leaders whether they’re playing their sport or going to class. Here what they have to say.

Senior Sophie Pecilunas loves to write. When she's not writing, you can find, or not find, Sophie traveling, which is another favorite pastime. Although...

Michael Dietrich is a videographer and Zach Wols fan. When he isn't hanging out with his buds and listening to the smothering sound of Elvis Presley, he...