Daughter wins Sons of the American Revolution Award
Senior Dana Ahdab, recipient of the Sons of the American Revolution Award, received the award that highlights good citizenship.
A congratulations are in order for Dana Ahdab, senior, who recently became the recipient of the Sons of the American Revolution Award at Central. But just what does this award mean exactly?
“It’s an award that can go to any gender. Teachers nominate students based on good citizenship, good character… people that serve in the community,” Ahdab said. “Then the senior class votes for who they think should receive the awards.”
Not only is there a Son of the American Revolution Award, but there’s a Daughter of the American Revolution Award, too. Senior Barbara Heidkamp was the recipient of that award. These organizations might sound familiar if you’ve ever watched Gilmore Girls.

Ahdab wasn’t even aware that she was nominated before she saw the voting slip in school one day.
“All the teachers were told before me and Barbara,” Ahdab said. She was confused why she had been getting congratulations throughout the day before realizing that she had been chosen for the award.
The name of the award is a bit misleading. People were confused when Ahdab was nominated for the Sons of the American Revolution Award. Others have thought the award suggests that someone in her family has fought in the American Revolution, which is not true. The award is presented to someone who is a valued part of the community.
Ahdab and Heidkamp will both be given their awards during the senior scholarship assembly later this month.

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