Overcome cyberbullying by avoiding anonymous websites

courtesy of Google Reuse

Students can combat cyberbullying by contacting social workers and reporting bullying behavior.

The new generations of high schoolers are experiencing something that hasn’t been around for very long; cyberbullying. With new and upcoming technology students all over the world have outlets to anonymous bullying and new social sites that make it easier to bully people.

Over the last few months of the 2016 school year, the students of Central were introduced to an app called ‘after school,’ which many of their peers were, or are still, on. This app is a gateway to cyberbullying, only allowing access to students to their own school. With proof that you are a student by logging in with facebook or referring a friend, you gain access to view your school only.

Many people at Central have been witnesses and victims to cyber bullying, however, not everybody stands up for their peers. Many scroll past as they are too scared to comment or intervene, they don’t want to be bullied themselves.

“Cyberbullying is worse than verbal harassment as you can target a wider variety of people,” said Ms. Veliseck, a social worker intern.

Many bullies hide behind a screen that provides a sense of confidence.

“It gives the bully more of like a faceless appeal, so they don’t have to do it in person,” said Isabelle Gaber, sophomore.

Most students at Central have seen the ‘after school’ app or even ‘ask.fm,’ and think nothing good will come out of it as they are both anonymous and students can access them on their phone which is the leading medium of cyberbullying.

“‘Ask.fm’ is kind of just like asking for trouble,” said Melina Slone, freshman.

People say that cyberbullying is the worst form of bullying since the victims are reading it off a medium such as a phone or computer, they are hearing it in their own voice as their own conscious. By hearing the words in their conscious, this can lead to self destruction and self hatred by believing certain things as you are almost training the brain to think a certain way by reading the comments.

“It is up there for everyone to see. You can see it as hurtful while others can see it as just a simple joke. When it’s up there for everyone to see,you feel bad because then you start to think that everybody thinks that. Everybody knows and now they are going to see me at school and see this about me and they’re just going to think like that,” Slone said.

According to Ms. Veliseck, the best defense is to block bullies, delete the app, and reach out for help. She also encourages kids to come into the social worker office for further advice if needed, everybody is always welcome.

“It makes me sad that at a school like this, people should know to be kinder. We have so many opportunities to be nice to each other, but instead people are using their resources to hurt each other and I mean you don’t see many physical fights in the hallway, but you see a lot of verbal fights,” Slone said. “I would just say be yourself and don’t let anyone change that.”

It is never too late to reach out for help. If you are a victim or a witness of any type of bullying report it to an adult.