Career Exploration at Hinsdale Central will begin on Nov. 4 when sophomores take the Career Occupational Preference System (COPS) test and juniors take the Harrington-O’Shea Career Decision Maker (CDM) test. The purpose of Career Exploration at Central is to help students narrow down their possible college majors and future career paths.
“Students will meet in groups in the weeks following to go over their results with counselors and learn how to use the Discover and Naviance programs to their benefit,” said Guidance Office intern Sarah Martin said. Counselors will help students to apply their personal interests to explore appropriate career paths.
Career Exploration is designed to take some of the stress off students as they come to the end of their high school experience and go on to whatever is next for them. Martin said, “It helps make a very overwhelming process become manageable and save students time and money in the future by eliminating some options and narrowing down their choices and preferences.”
The exploration and testing is useful for students who have no idea what they plan to do post high school. It can also be helpful for uncertain students and those whose aspirations change due to the fast-paced high school lifestyle. “Some students have an idea of their interests, but this is constantly changing and evolving,” said Martin.
The process isn’t over after the Nov. 4 testing. Students, with the help of their counselors, will use their results in computer programs. “Students will input their own scores and preferences and the computer programs will come up with specific suggestions and options of college majors and possible career directions,” Martin said. “Students are encouraged to make appointments with their own guidance counselors as well for additional individual help.”