The Young Progressives Club will hold a Frisbee tournament on October 6 at noon on the tower field to raise funds for Russell Feingold, former Wisconsin senator, to speak at Central on October 22.
Anais Carell, co-president, is confident that this fundraising event has been well-planned. Her only concerns are ticket sales because this is the club’s first year and first event.
“We use the money from team fees to pay Russell Feingold’s speaking fee. We will also be collecting money through ticket sales to come see Senator Feingold. We are, however, a bit concerned about selling enough tickets to make a profit for ‘Rock the Vote’,” Carell said.
Steven Chun, sophomore, will participate in the fundraiser event, but not necessarily attend Feingold’s speech. “I played in the first Frisbee fundraiser, and it was a lot of fun. Personally, I was apathetic about Feingold speaking, but I know there are a lot of avid Frisbee players at Central,” Chun said.
On the other hand, Lana Elborno, a senior, is looking forward to the speech more than the tournament. “I think it’s great that a senator is coming to talk to us. Maybe the people who aren’t into sports could do concessions at the tournaments to get involved and raise more money,” she said.
“We think he will be a very interesting speaker, so we hope that the event has high attendance. Our goal is to sell at least 200 tickets,”Carell said.
Elborno also feels that the speech might attract more students if the club would make more of an effort to educate them on who Feingold is and what he has accomplished. “I don’t know that many students have heard of him, so I don’t know if they’d be too interested in going. I think the first step would [be] to tell a little bit about the senator and why he is important,” she said.
According to a flyer that the club sent out, Feingold will speak specifically about his time in the Senate and about campaign finance reform. There will be a book signing afterwards.