Administrators, teachers and students honored Verterans’ Day by holding a reception and assembly for war veterans. Nine veterans spoke at the assembly. Two of the veterans spoke of their experiences on and off the battlefield.
Mrs. Jessica Hurt, chair of the social studies department, said that the the event was organized so that students could recognize the men and women who have fought for freedom. “The assembly will focus on the veterans’ battle experiences,” Hurt said. “But, most importantly it will focus on the positive effects veterans can have on the community and the workforce.”
Mr. Joseph Craig, an active U.S. Marine from 1966-1969 and a Legion Past Commander, told the story of his friend and veteran Rick Rescorla, who lost his life as he led the evacuation of over 2,700 citizens from the Twin Towers on Sept. 11, 2001. Mr. George Hogrewe, a former Red Devil and WWII radioman, led a reading of the poem Flanders Field, which commemorates a battle from WWI.
“It’s important to devote one day of the year to the veterans because they impact the lives of almost everybody,” Hurt said.
At the conclusion of the assembly, students in the audience with relatives who did or are actively serving in the United States Armed Forces were asked to rise as the band played the anthems of the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, and Air Force. Over half of the present students stood up.