Last Sunday the National Honor Society held the annual Turkey Bowl. The Turkey Bowl ended with the team Dirty Dozen winning and taking home the trophy.
Nine teams participated in the Turkey Bowl and raised over 600 cans of food for the Notre Dame Food pantry in Clarendon Hills. “It wasn’t to raise money. It was much more of a service project to raise food for the food pantry, prior to Thanksgiving,” said Julie May, a science teacher and a sponsor for NHS.
At the same time students were able to come out and play touch football. Abby Conklin, senior, liked the fact that they were able to donate canned food instead of money.
The entire turkey bowl was put on by NHS students; they worked the concessions, reefed the games, packaged canned goods and even participated in the event. The students made the Turkey Bowl a fun way to raise canned food. “It’s a fun way to not only get cans, but also the social aspect,” said Analisa Bernardi, senior.
Students agree the Turkey Bowl allowed them to get to know different classes. “It is a good opportunity to have different types of kids come together,” May said.
At the beginning of the Turkey Bowl students were laughing and having a good time, but by the end it became very competitive. “I had fun because I caught the ball with my face,” said Paige Smiles, senior. Smiles also thought the Turkey Bowl was a fun way to raise money instead of other types of fundraisers.