Gaussian math team competes in state competition
Competitions in math meets consist of several different categories based on grade level and the type of tests. These categories also include different levels of math, like algebra and precalculus.
On Saturday, May 4, the Gaussian Math Team went to nationals at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign to compete in 14 different competitions.
Overall, the team placed 14th place with 665 points. They placed in either the top ten or twenty for separate competitions. The team scored highest in the freshman and oral competitions, placing sixth and seventh in the two. Individual team members placed in individual competitions, such as sophomore Stella Dang placing seventh in the oral competition.

The Gaussian team placed in several different competitions, such as relays, calculator, and freshman/sophomore.
“We did considerably well despite missing half of the team due to prom, which was later that evening,” said Ms. Janeen Tomas, head coach of the math team.
The competitions consist of relays, individual, underclassmen or upperclassmen 8-person teams, and oral competitions. Central’s math team begins practicing in late August.
“Different levels practice once a week, with practice twice a week for state preparations,” Tomas said. “We will practice various math topics and practice the different competitive strategies.”
Of the 50-person team, only 28 team members went to state due to the state competition rules. These individuals were chosen based on their competition scores and participation levels throughout the year.
“I am most proud of my relay career at math team. Although I struggled at the first relay competition, my team and I got better and continued to get first and second place at the rest of the competitions,” said Helen Fan, senior math team member.
Fan was unable to compete in both written and multiple choice problems as she was attending prom later that day. However, Fan competed in the individual part, specifically under pre-calculus, which she said she did alright on.
With the season coming to an end, teammates say they look forward to the next season.
“I’m looking forward to a deeper understanding of math through participating in math team practices and meets,” Dang said. “I also am looking forward to winning more as a team and seeing new faces on the team.”

Saba, senior, is a chocolate vacuum (basically eating any chocolate in sight) and a nap queen, who can take a nap virtually anywhere. She loves Ben &...