Future health professionals club offers opportunities to learn about the medical field
With a return to school during an ongoing pandemic, Future Health Professionals club is looking to bring more opportunities to its members.
The growing awareness surrounding personnel in the medical field and their heroic abilities to help the plethora of people amidst the pandemic has left many inspired and has caught the attention of many students.
The Future Health Professionals club, FHP for short, is a club for students interested in a career related to health care such as medicine, nursing, physical therapy, pharmacy, dentistry, social work, dietetics, optometry, veterinary medicine, etc. The club’s goals are to raise awareness of the role of health professionals, examine contemporary health professionals, examine contemporary health topics, and promote volunteerism and community service.
FHP invites any students, experienced or inexperienced in a field of medicine. The club is meant to educate students on specific areas by inviting guest speakers who specialize within a particular field of medicine to give presentations to the student talking about their career and everyday life duties in their field. After the presentation, students are more than welcome to ask questions and ask for advice from the speaker.
The club is sponsored by Mrs. Whaley, who works in the Special Education Department, and she said she hopes to inspire students in the club by offering different perspectives on various fields in medicine through guest speakers, internships, and volunteer work.
Typically, the club meets every other Thursday before school at 7:30 a.m., but Mrs. Whaley plans around the schedules of the guest speakers, so in order to stay up to date on the meetings, it is helpful for students to join the Remind, which is @3baceh.
The next meeting has not been scheduled yet; however, if you are interested in attending, please join the Remind and keep an eye open for a message detailing when the next meeting will be.