Hinsdale Central hosts the spring activities fair for 8th graders

Simrah Qasim

Zuzanna Sokoloski, from intrnational club, hands out candies from different cultures and promotes Hinsdale Central’s Ethnic Fair.

On Thursday, April 21, Hinsdale Central held a spring activities fair in the field house to promote a variety of clubs to students and incoming freshmen. 

While normally Hinsdale Central’s activity fair takes place during the beginning of the school year, it was decided that hosting another event would benefit those who are interested in joining new clubs and sports. Students interested in joining were able to grab flyers and talk to members of the activity to get a sense of what the club is all about and how it works.

Various clubs set up booths during their lunch hour to represent their activity. (Simrah Qasim)

“I think it makes more sense to have an activities fair during the end of the school year so students have a chance to think about the clubs they want to join over the summer,” said Anisha Undevia, junior. 

The activities fair is also a great opportunity to publicize upcoming school events. Clubs such as the International Club were able to inform students about the nearing Ethnic Fair dance, being held on Friday, April 29. 

“[The International Club] presents about our cultures and learns about other cultures,” said Zuzanna Sokolowski, junior. “The end goal is to organize the ethnic fair at the end of the year which showcases different dances and songs and acts.” 

All in all, the activities fair brought many Hinsdale Central students together to not only promote their clubs, but also to share their different interests and celebrate the diversity here. 

“I actually did not know a lot of the clubs that were featured in the fair,” said Nikita Patel, junior. “It was a good opportunity to learn more about what the schools have to offer.” 

To learn more about the activities fair and the activities Hinsdale Central has to offer, email Sally Phillips.