A peek at The Devil’s Roast coffee bar

The name for Central's new coffee bar has been revealed, and it will be opening soon.

Sarah Cheung

The name for Central’s new coffee bar has been revealed, and it will be opening soon.

Beginning in the 2021-22 school year, Hinsdale Central started selling a variety of coffee like iced coffee, black coffee, and lattes at the cafeteria. The coffee later became very popular with students, many of them purchasing the coffee ever since.  

Due to its popularity, Central board members discussed and shared the idea of building a coffee bar inside the Learning Commons area next school year, 2022-23. This idea became a reality, and on Friday, Oct. 7, a survey was sent out to all students asking them to vote on the name for the new coffee bar, which would open up around November. With a majority vote, Hinsdale Central announced that the name for the new coffee bar is “The Devils Roast Coffee Bar.” 

Following the announcement about the new coffee bar and name, many students have shared their excitement in numerous ways.

“I am super excited for the new coffee bar because I am obsessed with coffee and need it to get through the day,” said Yana Kuzmanova, junior. “Having a coffee bar available at school would be convenient.” 

As winter approaches, many students have been more vocal about the coffee bar. Various students have shared how being able to purchase coffee at the school would be very beneficial. Coffee has many benefits, such as boosting energy levels, supporting brain health, and lowering risk of depression. 

“I am very excited for the new coffee bar because coffee helps me stay energized throughout the school day,” said Jacqueline Fang, sophomore.

The word about the new coffee bar opening up soon has excited many students. The official opening day for The Devils Roast is currently unknown, but students are staying on the lookout for more information.