Islamic Awareness Week at Hinsdale Central

On March 16, guest speaker Junaid Ahmed shared his personal experiences as a muslim in the political world.
On the week of March 13-17, Hinsdale Central’s Muslim Student Association held activities for the National Islamic Awareness Week.
The Muslim Student Association is a student led religious organisation at Hinsdale Central that holds various fundraisers, discussions, seminars, and more.
“We had trivia, guest speakers, donations throughout the week and a krispy kreme sale,” said Imaan Zaheer, senior and co-president of the Muslim Student Association. “We were able to donate money to the victims in Syria and Turkey while also spreading awareness about Ramadan which starts soon.”
The Muslim student association had activities throughout the week before and after school with goodie bags, a movie, Krispy Kreme, a guest speaker, and trivia night.

“I enjoyed the trivia night very much, it was a very fun environment to experience with friends and extremely welcoming as well,” said Dareen Barakat, junior. “It’s fun to see many Muslims come together, play games, honour Islamic reminders and keep us educated.”
Ramadaan also starts the following week, which many are excited for. Ramadan is an Islamic holy month that begins and ends with the shape of the crescent moon.
“We fast from sunrise to sunset, we cleanse our bodies and we take the month for reflection and community such as donating,” Barakat said.
The primary focus of Ramadan is to strengthen their relationship with God by fasting, praying, and being around loved ones.
“Fasting is not about burning calories, it’s about burning ego, pride, and sins,” said Nabiha Akhoond, senior. “Ramadan is like a rare flower that blossoms once a year and just as you begin to smell the Fragrance it disappears for another year.”
For more information about Hinsdale Central’s Muslim Student Association, check out their Instagram @msahchs.

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