On Feb. 21 and 22, Hinsdale Central hosted their annual Variety Show, featuring various talents and performances by students and staff. The show is planned by Robert Russo, social studies teacher, and Karen Russo, business teacher. Both have been running the show for over 20 years, and the show itself has been running for over 50 years.
The show is selective in order to ensure a well-balanced range of performances. This year, there were 17 acts.
“We do tryouts to make sure performers will hit the right notes,” Robert Russo said. “[We] do it in an American Idol style.”
The sponsors also enjoy their parts of planning the show and meeting talented students.
“Mrs. Russo and I love doing the show because we get to meet kids we wouldn’t have in classes,” Robert Russo said.
As well, the sponsors work closely with the students throughout the rehearsal process to improve their performances.
“Sometimes during my lunch period, I’d go to the dance studio with Mrs. Russo so I could run the dance with her,” said Makenzie Ford, senior and performer who danced to a KBA mashup.
For the performers, the practicing process starts months in advance.
“I signed up in November, and I already knew what I wanted to do,” Ford said. “So, I choreographed [myself] some moves.”
Many students have wanted to participate years prior but, due to extracurriculars, were unable to do so.
“It’s something I’ve wanted to do since I saw the upperclassmen do it my freshman year, ” said Sarah Delapeña, junior and performer who sang “Falling Behind” by Laufey.
For some students, this is their first opportunity to play for a large audience.
“It was my first time singing a solo with my guitar to people I didn’t know,” Delapeña said. “It was definitely something I had to overcome.”
When it comes to student audiences, the student body is encouraged to attend in large numbers.
“We’d love to have more students attend next year,” Robert Russo said. “We’ve been thinking about making the event more appealing in addition to the performances.”
To find out more about the Variety Show, click here.