The Muslim Student Association (MSA) hosted Islamic Awareness Day at Hinsdale Central on Tuesday, Oct. 1.
“Islamic Awareness Day is a day not only to celebrate Islam but also to raise awareness,” said Ayesha Ahmed, senior. “With the amount of misinformation that spreads nowadays, being a Muslim and what Islam truly is can get muddled so taking a day to spread the positivity of Islam is very important.”
During this day, the MSA board planned fun events like keeping goodie bags at the front entrance for everyone and having henna stalls during lunch periods for all students. After school, they kept an Islamic trivia game for everyone to play.

“It’s so nice to connect with people from the school and participate in fun activities outside of the school day,” said Zahra Haque, senior.
The MSA club tries to include everyone while coming up with ideas and fun games; they also talk about how the Muslim community can grow and be stronger.
“The Muslim Student Association is a comfortable environment and gives me an opportunity to relate to others,” said Manal Ali Khan, junior. “Other Muslims inspire me to be a better person.”
As Islamic Awareness Day went on, many people learned more about Islam and had the opportunity to talk about their faith and practices in a safe place.
“Hinsdale Central had a successful Islamic Awareness day,” Khan said.
To learn more about MSA, click here.