How old is too old to trick-or-treat?

During the Halloween season, I remember getting excited for a night full of running from door to door, and asking the famous question, “trick-or-treat?” But it seems that I’m always on the other side of the door now, tossing candy into the pillowcases of the neighborhood ghosts and princesses.
I haven’t personally been trick-or-treating since my freshman year, but I don’t think there should be a limit on when to stop trick-or-treating. And there are other high school students who agree.
“You can never be too old to trick-or-treat,” said Melinda Vitalis, senior. Vitalis doesn’t trick-or-treat anymore, but she believes that anyone can partake in this event, and says that she “would like to [trick-or-treat].”
I don’t think it’s too childish to still go trick-or-treating. After all, it’s free candy! But other high school students label trick-or-treating as an event mainly for kids.
“In general, I think about 16 (years old) is old enough,” said Trevor Huang, junior, about when he believes students should no longer trick-or-treat. “I trick-or-treated freshmen year and stopped sophomore [year].”
Although I think anyone can trick-or-treat, it seems more acceptable for older kids if they’re escorting a younger neighbor or family member with them. One senior, Alex Yager believes that older kids trick-or-treating without younger children can be a bit strange.
“There’s a point where it gets creepy,” Yager said. “When you’re 18, it’s illegal.”
But like me, students, including Vitalis and Huang, still partake in Halloween events, such as handing out candy at the door. There’s no shame in celebrating this holiday even as a high school student. And in my opinion, there’s no reason that older kids shouldn’t have the opportunity to get candy, too!