Homecoming court: What it means and why we want in

Jack Breslin, senior, votes for Homecoming Court.
My friend ran up to me this past week and asked, “Did you get nominated?”
I was very confused. “For what?”
“Homecoming Court!!!!”
Ohhh. It is that time of year. Homecoming. And as a senior, it isn’t about what group you’re going in or what dress you’ll be wearing this year; it’s about predicting who will be on court and – if you are the typical Central girl – dreaming you’ll be one of them.
Nominations occurred last week, starting on Tuesday at 7 a.m. – yes, people showed up then despite there being one hundred slots for each gender.
I heard people talk about how pathetic it was for those girls who came extra early to make sure there were spots when they nominated each other. But I also heard the hint of longing in their voices. No matter if it’s a popularity contest to see who knows the most people in the class, people still want to be on court.
My theory as to why girls want to be on court so badly (I can’t speak for guys, but I have a feeling they aren’t as crazy about Homecoming Court- the deadline to nominate men was extended to fill the one hundred slots) is the dresses and pictures.
Jordan Witzel, senior, agrees, but said the recognition is the most noteworthy. “There are a lot of fun aspects of being on court. Doing the skits, dressing up, being in the running for homecoming queen and king, and so on. However, I think the most significant part of being on court is the title and being able to say you were on court,” Witzel said.
My favorite part is the skits. I think the homecoming assembly is the most entertaining pep rally of the year and some of the skits end up being really creative and funny. But there is always that one skit that is just awkwardly lame or nobody understands the joke.
Also, it seems like a lot of work in the end – brainstorming, costumes, rehearsing (or probably not rehearsing). And since you only find out if you are on Court that week, dress shopping time is very limited – unless you expect to be on court, in which case you already have that black dress and red heels bought.
Whatever the reason for wanting to be on Court – the fun skits or the recognition and honor – it all comes down to if you are the most popular 24 people in the senior class. Maybe you’re the nicest, or maybe the most well-known, or maybe the most active in school life.
“I think the stereotype of the people on homecoming court is actually a very good one. When I think of think of the people on court in the past few years I think of people who are really involved and well-rounded. Popularity does come to mind, but it’s also necessary to be well-liked in order to be voted on,”Witzel said.
Voting took place online from 5 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 30 to 5 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 1. Interestingly, locker combinations are used as passwords – a step up in security as compared to voting for class boards. Only seniors can vote, but for King and Queen, all classes are allowed to vote (a change from previous years).