Too old to trick or treat?

Joseph Miscimarra

Hinsdale Central upperclassmen, Kunal Jobanputra and Andrew Bitautas leave a house after a successful trick or treating run.

When you open your door on Halloween, you expect to see the faces of kids dressed as witches, princesses, superheroes, or ghosts. But instead, you open your door to high school aged guys in morph suits or t-shirts that say “costume” on it. But where does the line get drawn? How old is too old to trick or treat?


After middle school I kind of ditched the whole idea of trick or treating, but a lot of people continue to trick or treat throughout their high school years.


I don’t blame them, trick or treating is fun, it’s fun to dress up and it takes you back to childhood afternoons spent sprinting from house to house to fill your pillowcase with anything from Sour Punch Straws to Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.


But, let’s be real here, once you’re past the age of 16 it can get to be a little creepy. Like yeah free candy is good but I would get super weirded out if I saw people my age or older show up at my doorstep trick or treating.


Sophomore, Hannah Anderson stopped trick or treating when she was 13 and doesn’t think high schoolers are suitable to be trick or treating.


“High school doesn’t really celebrate Halloween like middle schools or elementary schools do, so it’s not as fun,” said Anderson.
I mean, if you want to be one of the few high schoolers still hitting the streets of Hinsdale on Oct. 31, go for it…but it may be a little strange to the people opening their doors for you.