On Wednesday, April 10, Amazon Prime Video released “Fallout,” an adaptation of the video game by the same name. The show stars Ella Purnell as Lucy, Aaron Clifton as Maximus and Walton Goggins as the ghoul. It follows these characters through a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
The show follows Lucy as she leaves her bunker to venture through the wasteland to rescue her father who has been kidnapped. As well, the ghoul and Maximus try to find a man for a bounty.
As aforementioned, the show is an adaptation of the video game series “Fallout,” which seemed like it would set the show up for failure because other similar shows have crashed and burned. However, this show was well-received by fans and critics.
“It was decent, but I wish it followed the lore more,” said Joao Lourenco, junior.
I enjoyed the show. In my opinion, the plot progressed well. As well, it stood alone from the video games, which I liked because I didn’t play them. However, I wish it had been released weekly instead of all at once so the cliffhangers would have had a more significant impact.
“It was so easy to binge-watch,” said Owen Stamer, junior.
The story line was my favorite part of the show because it had constantly moving parts. Since all of the characters have a common goal, the director can show how they are working toward this goal simultaneously. It’s almost like it’s a race.
I also like the flashback sequences because they build up the show’s backstory for people who still need to play the games. They show the backstory of the ghoul, how the vaults were made and the reason for them.
“The show is great compared to the game. It gets all of the details right in a video game adaptation,” said Peter Ortiz, junior.
To watch “Fallout,” click here.