Beginning with a fresh start
Marc Minnella, player 19, gets ready at the 20 yard line to take a pass from quarterback Mason Brady, while playing against Hinsdale South in Darien.
After the Coronavirus affected all sport seasons in 2020, the Freshman football is now fully back this fall, unlike last year when it had to be delayed to the spring. According to players and coaches, Team A had a good season and only lost a few games.
“[The freshmen teams] really just overall played better [and] hit harder. They were just a better team,” said Marc Minnella, a wide receiver playing for both the A and B teams.
He also emphasizes that the team isn’t perfect, and that there is room for improvement.
“We have to block our line; our [quarterback] doesn’t have enough time to throw and that’s what really is holding him back,” Minnella said.
The pressure of losing a game may irritate the players, which makes the job of manager Lily Kentra a little overwhelming when bringing out water to them during the games.
“All of a sudden, they could be yelling water. And even though they’re like, right next door to you, you’ll be like, ‘Oh, I have to go and quickly do this,’” Kentra said. “But you can’t let it affect you because you’re doing your job. And they’re doing their job.”
She said she understands that football puts stress on the players, and their need for water will dictate their ability to play. She said she believes that managers should be students that can handle stressful situations and not take people yelling at them personally.
Coach Tim Dodd said that the difference between this season and the last of Freshman football was apparent. The lack of fans in the audience because of the Coronavirus last year really decreased the motivation and energy of the team; however this year, it’s been much better. He also encourages the team to continue to work hard.
“You can’t just show up on Saturday to try to play. You’ve got to lift weights during the offseason when you are not in another sport,” Dodd said.
Dodd finished off by giving some advice to those wanting to join football next year.
“Kids need to play more than one sport…like two and even three sports as freshmen and figure out because their bodies are not developed yet where they can excel in one sport,” Dodd said.
This is Minnella’s first time playing football on a team, so he really didn’t know what he was to expect with practices and games.
“[Players] have to be really dedicated and disciplined if they really want to improve; they can’t slack off in… certain drills and… warm ups,” Minnella said. “They actually have to give it their all to improve.”
At the time of this article being written, there’s only one more game left in the season against Glenbard West. Optimistic views are shared between coaches and players alike about this game.
“We’re probably going to win,” Minnella said.