On Wednesday, Feb. 21, the Red Devils took on the Simeon Tigers at home in the Regional Semifinals Matchup. The Simeon Tigers ended up winning 46-44.
“It sucks the way that we lost, but I loved spending the last four years here playing with my brothers,” said Henry Stach, senior and varsity player.
Despite the upset, the team is hopeful for their future.
“It’s a bad way to end the season, but I assure you we will be back and…better than ever,” said Charlie Nordby, junior and varsity player.
As well, the coaches are hopeful the team will rebound from this season’s loss and will continue their hard work.
“I’m proud of my boys this season,” said Nick Latorre, business teacher and varsity coach. “I’m excited for what the next season will entail.”

On Saturday, Feb. 23, the Tigers will go on to play Riverside Brookfield.
For more information about the team, please contact Mike Jezioro, the athletic director, at mjezioro@hinsdale86.org or Latorre at nlatorre@hinsdale86.org.