Hinsdale Central on Star Wars
As the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens neared, merchandise such as waffle makers and apparel hit stores everywhere. The hype and promotion for the long awaited movie was unavoidable. Many Hinsdale Central students saw the movie immediately, as they are long time fans of the franchise, where others were forced into watching it with their parents as family time. While some dedicated fans spent the time getting their hands on merch, a couple of students felt as if the advertising was everywhere and could even be compared to the overpromotion of Minions.
Check out what Central students had to say about this movie phenomenon.
Sanya Sawlani, senior, is a pro procrastinator and avid daydreamer. She can usually be found listening to the 1975 and eating peanut butter chocolate ice...
Michael Dietrich is a videographer and Zach Wols fan. When he isn't hanging out with his buds and listening to the smothering sound of Elvis Presley, he...