On Thursday, Dec. 7, the Red Devils wrestled the Downers Grove North Trojans at 7 p.m. and lost to them.
The winners of the meet were Sammy Murante, sophomore, Zach Kruse, junior, and Marko Ivanisevic, senior.
“I got into wrestling because of my friend Jack Copeland,” said Nathan Wietecha, junior and new varsity wrestler. “I also got into it because it looks like a good workout.”
The team hopes to do better in their next match by working with their coaches during practice.
“If I work harder in the wrestling room and ask [my] coaches for help with my moves, I should place decently in Whitlach,” said Isaiah Menedez, junior and varsity wrestler.
The Red Devils will host the 57th annual Rex Whitlach Invitational Tournament on Friday, Dec. 15. The tournament will continue on Saturday, Dec. 16.

“More people should come out to wrestle because wrestling is one of the best decisions I made in my life,” said Ben Kubesh, senior and junior varsity wrestler. “It teaches me about self discipline and self motivation.”
For more information about wrestling, you can contact Jason Hayes, coach, at jhayes@hinsdale86.org.