Red Devils perform at Fall Choral concert
HC Singers on stage singing at the Fall Choral Concert.
On Oct. 25 choir performed their annual fall concert. All levels of choir were present and performed various pieces for the audience.
To add to the excitement of the night, the new, audition based women’s chorale choir performed for the first time with the rest of the choir.
“I thought all levels did very well, but the male choir really surprised me,” said Ms. Jennifer Burkemper, Choir teacher.
Everyone involved had their favorite moment in the performance because of the wide variety of material that was covered at the performance.
“My favorite part was undeniably Women’s Chorale singing ‘Always Something Sings’ with four members of the orchestra playing along with them,” said Evan Donaldson, senior.
With all levels of the choir present, the younger participants were able to see a glimpse into their musical future, sneaking a peak at where they could end up, but for one underclassman, this vision has already become a reality.
“It’s definitely an honor to perform with the upperclassmen as a sophomore,” said Michelle Shen, sophomore. “My favorite part was just being able to see all of the new people involved in the program.”
Overall the choir concert went off without out a hitch and allowed for all levels of the choir to exhibit their vocal abilities.

Zach Wols is a senior who is an A&E Editor. He loves to hang out with friends and play guitar. He hopes to major in journalism when he gets out of...

Francesca Halikias is a senior who is a videographer on devils advocate and can often be found accidentally putting dollar bills in the quarter slots in...

Magdalene Halikias is a current senior and first year photographer “Devils' Advocate.” Being an aficionado of music from all decades and all genres...