Underclassman takes high role in fall play

Amanda Bagby

Sophomore Hannah Kiperman, middle, redirects cast to positions during the rehearsal for the fall play of Rashoman as the assistant director.

Burning hair, the smell of coffee, people rehearsing lines, and the cloud of makeup and hairspray in the air are just some of the things experienced in the green room just hours before the play begins.

Sophomore Hannah Kiperman was one of four students selected by the Director, Mr. Kostro, to be his assistant director. By fulfilling this role, Kiperman had to work as a mediator during any cast disagreements, decide how she wanted the program to look, and make executive decisions.

With the cast having only four weeks to learn and rehearse their lines, Kiperman had to step up and help out with whatever the cast needed. With practices ranging from three to six hours after school, she had to take action on helping the cast nail everything and make it look the best it possibly could.

“Since I am the youngest assistant director, it’s hard to gain the respect of the upperclassmen, but once I take charge, they are very respectful and listen to me,” Kiperman said.

Kiperman worked as an assistant director during the freshman play this year and during the fall play, Rashomon. Throughout her journey, she found herself, established her leadership roles, and how she’s able to give advice to many people. She helped the cast become a family and worked to make the cast as welcoming as possible.   

Kiperman has, herself, been into performing arts for 13 years through dancing and acting. She’s acted in Just Another High School Play and The Shakespeare Project at Central as a freshman and performing in Once upon a Mattress and Dig It at Clarendon Hills Middle School. Outside of school, she’s been in Annie, Mary Poppins, Glee, Alice in Wonderland. She also currently dances at Center For Dance outside of school. However, Kiperman doesn’t do plays outside of school anymore.

“I don’t like doing [plays] outside of school anymore because I don’t find them to be a true measure of someone’s talent. It makes them pay for a part, not actually work for it,” Kiperman said.

Most of the cast is thankful Kiperman was there when they needed her the most. Freshman Hardy Welch is one of many that look up to Kiperman.

“There is a stage fight scene, and one of the actors forgot to wear their glasses so he ended up actually hitting the other. [Hannah] rushed to make sure everyone was okay, she really took initiative,” Welch said.

Kiperman is planning on trying out for the spring play, She Kills Monsters, instead of being the assistant director. Kiperman wants to take a break from being an assistant director for this year to actually be acting in the spring show.

“Being picked by Mr. Kostro to be one of his assistant directors has helped me shape who I am as a person today, I’ve gained so many good qualities by working with so many different people,” Kiperman said.