Netflix debuts “Behind Her Eyes”


Courtesy of Netflix

The main characters, Adele, David, and Louise, in the popular Netflix series “Behind Her Eyes.”

On Wednesday, Feb. 17, the television adaptation of Sarah Pinborough’s novel “Behind Her Eyes” was released onto Netflix. Those who have previously read the book know what to expect, but those who are uninformed are in for a treat. The miniseries is full of secrets unwinding and unexpected twists guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat.  Since the release, the show jumped to number one on the top ten in the U.S. 

Clearly, people are intrigued enough to watch it, and many have even reported that one time is not enough.

“After I finished the last episode I immediately started it over…my mind couldn’t comprehend what I just saw,” said one Central student. 

This happens to be a popular action taken by many new viewers of the show. 57% of students polled reported they watched one or more episodes multiple times. As good as this show is, it is a serious time commitment. The six episodes together add up to a little under 300 minutes, and because of how addictive the show is, watching an episode can quickly lead to binging the entire series. 

Adele, played by actress Eve Hewson, in one of the various flashbacks from the miniseries.

Simply put, the story is a basic love triangle involving a couple who have been married for 10 years and a single mother. Luckily, nothing in this show is as simple as it seems. Netflix labels this miniseries as mind-bending, ominous, and suspenseful. Eve Hewson plays Adele Fergeson, the wife of Dr. David Ferguson (Tom Bateman). They both coincidentally ran into Louise (Simona Brown).

“The show messes with you’re mind because everything seems so accidental but it all has a purpose,” said Alex Ryan, senior. 

The casting and directing of this miniseries is nothing short of genius. The actors fully embodied their roles which allowed the director to leave the audience speechless with the ending.

“The actors keep you hooked from the very start. Bateman is charming, yet potentially menacing, as David. Brown is not only instantly vulnerable as Louise, but instantly lovable,” said David Bianculli, National Public Radio entertainment critic. “And as Adele, Hewson covers a 10-year time span so convincingly, it’s as though she’s playing two different people.”

What begins as an accidental spilled drink leads to a conversation and ends with a kiss soon reveals itself to be a huge mistake. Upon walking into work the following morning, Louise sees the man she kissed last night is not only her new boss, but is married as well. Not long after, Louise runs into Adele, David’s wife, and they quickly become friends creating a complex love triangle. As the show progresses, the affair between David and Louise becomes a genuine connection. The friendship between Adele and Louise becomes stronger as well, causing Louise to begin to worry about the strange dynamic of David and Adele’s marriage.  

“Behind Her Eyes” is bound to make you begin to question everything you thought you previously knew about life, people, and our abilities. As good as the reviews are, the show is rated TV-MA (for mature audiences) because of the showing of sex, nudity, language, and smoking. Netflix advises viewers to be 17 and above.