Central students weigh in on the Jay Cutler situation

It’s that time of year again, Chicago Bears fans! Week 13 is in the books and the Bears are sitting at a mediocre 6-6 record—and it gets worse. The Detroit Lions seem to have a firm control over the NFC North playoff race with a one-game advantage over the Bears and an easy schedule to boot. And, worse yet, starting QB Jay Cutler is riding pine with another ankle injury.
2013 looks to be another wasted season. Even if the Bears squeaked into the playoffs, they would likely be knocked out of contention early. The fact of the matter is that the Bears are not a Super Bowl caliber team this season. But that can turn around fast (see Seahawks, Seattle).
So that begs a serious question: What will it take for the Bears to become a dominant team again?
The answer to that question begins at the quarterback. Starting quarterback Jay Cutler is in a contract year; he will be a free agent at the end of the year unless the Bears choose to extend him. The Bears’ management suggests that they do indeed want to extend him, but fans have vastly differing views on what they think the Bears should do. Jay has had a bipolar relationship with Bears fans—some love him, but many others hate him.
Hinsdale Central is no different. In a poll taken of 65 Central students, a whopping 63.1% of students said Jay needs to go. Compared to only a 23.1% student support (and 13.8% of undecided allegiance), it is clear where students’ hearts lie.
If the Bear do choose to resign the 30-year-old quarterback, they would likely have many more years of production. Whether or not he can take this team to the Big Game, however, is yet to be seen.