Interesting insects: Dr. Wingler’s legacy kept in display cases

Walking down the science hallway on the way to class, one may notice something different among your typical project and election posters: two display cases. Inside these display cases are multiple framings of insects.

Of the insects, Mr. Paul Woods, science teacher, said, “Look at those things, they are like works of art. As freaky as they are they are beautiful and so exotic, such a neat thing to get to hang up and give people a chance to see.”

The collection was donated a couple years ago by an English teacher who passed away. Dr. Edward Wingler, known as Doc Wingler, collected them and displayed them throughout his house. He then donated them to the science department so that everyone at Central could enjoy them after he passed.

Dr. Wingler taught at Central for almost 40 years, and for him, teachers at Central have nothing but fond memories and praise.

“I went to school here and was involved in drama so he was my director,” Mr. Woods said. “It’s part of the reason I’m doing what I’m doing, part of reason I teach and direct some plays here and coach the speech team, through my exposure to him over the years.”

Mr. Miles Laffey from the library also went to school here and was involved in drama. He continued to be friends with Wingler long after being his student. He recently dug up a picture out of an old yearbook of Dr. Wingler to be a part of a plaque placed in the middle of the display cases so that the legacy of Doc carries onto future Red Devils.

“A lot of times I’ll walk by, and there will be people standing and just staring at them,” Mr. Woods said. “I find myself stopping and looking.”