Making Central ‘lit’ again
Social Chairs, Will DeAngelis and Chaz Zayed got Red Devil Nation excited at the first football game on Aug. 26.
In comparison to past years, Red Devil Nation hit a lull last year. Football games weren’t as crowded, pep rallies weren’t nearly as exciting, and school spirit was arguably non-existent. Things are bound to change this year, though. Social chairs Will DeAngelis and Charles (Chaz) Zayed, seniors, are reigniting the fire.
DeAngelis and Zayed first met in middle school, but besides sitting at the same lunch table for one year, they had barely even talked. They were both normal kids with different friend groups, and really had nothing in particular that made them close. This was the case all throughout high school too, but come junior year something changed. They both wanted to run for social chair.
“I went to a game last year and it had terrible turnout,” Zayed said. “I wanted to make Central lit again.” Zayed, borrowing from urban slang, explained that making Central ‘lit’ means increasing excitement and hype surrounding sports activities and school spirit.
DeAngelis actually had thoughts of running for social chair since freshman year, but just like Zayed, he wasn’t exactly motivated until after he went to an anti-climatic football game. After the game, he knew he would try to make his dream a reality, but the only problem was, he didn’t know who to run with.
“Chaz tweeted out saying that he was going to run [for social chair] and make football games lit again, so I texted him asking if he wanted to run with me,” DeAngelis said. “[It was] the best decision I’ve ever made.”
Zayed accepted DeAngelis’s request and they went on to run for the position of social chair together. They made a video, put up flyers, and posted online about why they would be the best fit for the job. They won the position, and have been active throughout the school ever since the election. From the senior tailgate, to the summer beach days, they have been on a quest to make the school a more exciting place.
Outside of being social chairs, they both live a normal high school life. DeAngelis is the president of BPA, a member of NHS, Peer Leadership, and the speech team, Forensics. He spends most of his free time doing homework and hanging out with friends. Zayed does a little less homework, and more hanging out with friends, but does spend a lot of time working with Student Council and Peer Leadership. But out of all their activities, they both agree social chair is by far their favorite.
“I’ve never loved or have been so passionate about anything in my life, social chair means everything to me,” DeAngelis said.
The position of social chair has not only been something that they enjoy, but it’s something that has helped them grow as people. The social chairs push each other to go bigger and better each day to give those who attend Central a memorable experience.
Zayed’s creativity and DeAngelis’s structure so far has done just that, as the first football game was already a success. They plan on making the year even better to give students a great experience as not only sports fans, but as teenagers.
“We won’t let the student body down,” DeAngelis said.

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