High school bucket lists
Bucket lists contain goals and dreams, and evidently, they vary by grade level.
A lot changes from freshman to senior year. Looks change, groups of friends change, and so do one’s interests. But among these obvious changes, there is one that usually goes unmentioned. That would be bucket lists (if you even have one). So, we asked students from each grade, freshman to senior, what’s on the top of their bucket lists, and the answers are pretty interesting.
Let’s start off with the freshmen. While they are at the lower echelon of high school, their goals are not. Freshmen come into high school with aspirations that can’t be matched by anyone in the school.
“On the top of my bucket list is probably playing college football,” said Owen Hare, freshman.
His friend said the same thing, which goes to show that freshmen dream big. Another freshman, Emmett Drew, said something a little different, but equally grand.
“On the top of my bucket list would be to camp and hike around the whole Grand Canyon,” Drew said.
Whether it be adventure, or sports, the freshmen come in with big dreams, as do the sophomores.
Payton Flach, sophomore, said, “I want to go fishing in Canada.”
Fascination with nature seemed consistent throughout kids in our school, which makes sense because we live in an area where finding adventures in nature is relatively rare.
The underclassmen seem to have things in check. They are adventurous, and high-reaching. But as you go higher in grade level, this changes. With hours of homework, tests, and sports piling up, high school gets to you. By the time you’re an upperclassman, simply getting by is at the top of some students lists.
“I just want to graduate,” said Billy Leader, junior.
Similarly, Bennett White, senior, said, “I just want to make it past college.”
I’m sure both of their quotes are a little sarcastic, but regardless of what they said, the point remains the same. By the end of high school, some people aren’t too focused on lofty goals or fantasies. Some people just want to get by.
Of course, not all seniors are like this. Some seniors have high goals, too, and haven’t been drained by senioritis.
Brantly Riedl, senior, said, “I want to own my own restaurant.”
Some bucket lists are filled with adventure, others are filled with life goals, and some people don’t even have one. But regardless, one thing is certain: bucket lists are personal and vary from person to person, especially among different grade levels.

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