One Book ties together readers at Central


“I accept this book, ‘Inherit the Wind,’ with the promise to read and enjoy it,” begins the one book, one school Inheritance Pact. The pact is written with curly cursive writing on old yellow parchment and is a pact that readers who participate in the One Book, One School program will sign promising to read the book and then pass it on to another reader.

The one book, one school reading program is a program adopted by the Hinsdale Central Library in which one title, “Inherit the Wind,” is put forth so that all students can read and discuss the title. The practice has been a standard across the area. Chicago has an annual one book one Chicago event. Universities and colleges have also adopted a similar practice.

“The purpose of the One Book, One School program is to create a community of readers, to move reading to the forefront,” said Kathleen Krepps, Library Director.

The reason the library chose the title “Inherit the Wind” is that it is based upon a true story. The library is focusing on Common Core and educational strategies involving nonfiction literature this year. Also, the drama department is performing the play “Inherit the Wind” from November 14-16 for the fall play. It will be directed by Christine Hicks.

“Just like with Shakespeare where it helps you so much to understand the play if you read it and then even more when you see it, it’s the same thing with “Inherit the Wind”,” Krepps said.

This is the fourth time that Central has done a One Book, One School event. The previous three books have been “The Book Thief,” “Purple Heart,” and “Columbine.” With “The Book Thief,” the library named the method of passing the book along the “handing off” method. Likewise, with Purple Heart, it was the ‘heart to heart’ method, and this year it is the ‘inheritance’ method.

Readers have two options with the One School, One Book program. They can either purchase the book for $5, or they can sign the inheritance pact promising to pass the book on to another Central reader and receive a free copy of the book.

“Readers promise to read the book, enjoy it, and pass it on to another reader,” Krepps said.

The program starts on Sept. 30 and will continue until the play is performed. Its idea is to bring readers together. A discussion will be held in late October where teachers, librarians, and students will get together for lunch. Everyone will be invited to come to the lunch time discussions.