Debates matter

This year’s presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is one of the most talked about elections in American history. Gaining much media attention, the debates have fueled many opinions from students.

“The election so far is disappointing. Neither of the candidates are actually saying their beliefs on different issues America has. The candidates are only attacking one another,” said Annie Tatooles, senior.

Many Americans, like Tatooles, are having a hard time deciding who they are going to vote for because a lot of people cannot decide which candidate has better judgment and who will best be fit for America.

“I want to learn how both candidates handle one another on a one on one basis. I want to see how Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton behave face to face [at the debates],” said Billson Rasavongxay, a politics teacher.

There are many voters in America who wonder how the two candidates will interact with one another because they have not confronted each other face to face at an intimate setting such as a town meeting.

“I am super excited to see how they react immediately after the debate, but then how they will change their campaign due to the debate,” Rasavongxay said.

Clinton and Trump will be battling out many important issues in the debate and may even change their campaign heading forward, after the debate, depending on how the debate goes for each of them.

“The issues that have been the most important to me so far have been immigration, abortion, taxes, and most importantly Syrian Refugees becoming citizens,” said Olivia Burress, senior.

There are still a lot of issues the candidates need to clear up before the election in November and the debate will help Americans to focus on the various positions of the candidates.

“I hope both candidates can make themselves more appealing to people who normally do not vote. I hope the candidates can clear their platform on certain issues before the election too,” Rasavongxay said.

The last debate will be held on Oct. 19.