Juniors inducted into NHS


Courtesy of @HCHSActivities Twitter

After being inducted into the National Honors Society on Thursday, April 26, inductees then carried out the tradition of signing their name in a book where all past RDN inductees have signed as well.

On Thursday, April 26, the annual National Honors Society (NHS) induction took place in the auditorium at 7 p.m. NHS inductees were given a certificate and pledged to honor the NHS conduct code.

Students gathered in the auditorium at 6 p.m. before their parents arrived to practice the pledge and rehearse walking up the stage.

Once parents arrived, students performed the NHS pledge in front of peers, parents, and faculty, and received a certificate of their membership.

“[The induction] was a good way to familiarize us with other members,” said Amit Puri, junior, NHS inductee.

Inductees shook hands with Principal Walsh and received a yellow rose. Students then signed a book as a tradition that has passed through generations of inductees.

“It was cool to be a part of a big tradition,” said Joe Paulson, junior.

As a member of NHS, students are expected to follow the pillars of NHS: scholarship, integrity, responsibility, and respect. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 4.5 to remain an active member of NHS and cannot have any code of conduct violations.

“At the induction, we learned about NHS requirements and the volunteer opportunities over the summer,” said Caitlyn Chval, junior.

To graduate with honors, members will have to accumulate 35 points by April 2019. Many of the points are received through two major projects.

Students receive points through volunteering; however, points don’t count if you get paid, volunteer for your family or go on a mission trip.

New members may begin accumulating points the summer before senior year.