The Homecoming king and queen, Presley Mulligan and Pavle Ivkovic, were announced at the Homecoming dance last Saturday, Sept. 21. The 2024 Homecoming court was decided by a student vote on Sept. 13. Many pairs of students ran for the election, but only ten were nominated.

The court has enjoyed festivities like dressing up for Homecoming week at school, participating in the Homecoming parade around Hinsdale, and celebrating during the pep rally on Sept. 20.
The theme of Homecoming was chosen by the Varsity Club.
“[The students] put together presentations of ideas that they have and what they want the theme to be,” said Janelle Hoeksema, business teacher who runs the Varsity Club. This year, the students selected the theme Hollywood, “Lights, Camera, Action.”
After the lockdown in 2020, there were lingering effects of COVID-19. Many students said they found that they lacked a sense of community and school pride. Students created new Homecoming traditions, but the old ones still exist.
“We’ve always had a spirit week. We’ve always had certain clubs build floats and we have a parade the morning of our Homecoming dance. We have always had a Homecoming game and then a pep rally,” Hoeksema said.
The Homecoming traditions are different from past years as the Homecoming court now runs together in pairs. In prior years, the student body voted for the most popular senior boy and girl who were given the title as Homecoming king and queen.
Many students, parents, teachers, and administration said they enjoyed organizing the Homecoming court this way.
“Two years ago, the students in the spring made a decision about what would happen last fall, and they decided they wanted students to run in pairs…the top ten get voted in pairs to be on the court, and then there would be one pair that would be voted to royalty,” Hoeksema said.
Multiple students on the Homecoming court and teachers on the Varsity Club have expressed their enjoyment during the days leading up to homecoming on Sept. 21.
“I think that [homecoming] is something that helps, especially freshmen…it helps them feel like there’s something to belong to at school, and so they’re starting to learn about the culture of our school by seeing things like Homecoming week,” said Maria Cotter, varsity club sponsor.
“I love dressing up for Homecoming spirit week,” said Leah Theoharous, senior.
For those who are running, the whole experience has been worthwhile even if they do not win the official title.
“I am not stressed about being on the Homecoming court when the winners are chosen,” said Molly Waldron, senior.
While most agree how it is difficult to satisfy the entire student body at a big school like Hinsdale Central, the Varsity Club made homecoming week an enjoyable experience for the homecoming court and students at the school.
To learn more about Homecoming festivities click here.