Central defeats OPRF in close game

Central beat Oak Park River Forest 57- 53 in the final game of the Pack the Place week.

The game started off slowly. OPRF had a hard time taking shots because of the tight defense Central maintained. The game picked up in the first quarter after Matt Rafferty, junior, made the stand-out play of the game. Rafferty tipped the ball out of the opposing team’s hands and went up for a dunk.

Jordon Bradshaw, junior, helped Central maintain strong passing by starting off every play strong. Chase Hamilton, senior, made a three point shot widening the lead for Central. Although Central kept a tight defense, OPRF was able to stay in the game with their numerous three pointers.

The game became tied again in the fourth quarter and the lead flipped between Central and OPRF.  Ian Bunting, senior, tipped the ball in the basket for another incredible play of the game.  In the end, the penalty shots made by Rafferty and Hamilton secured the lead for Central.  With only six seconds left in the game, Central secured their lead and beat out OPRF.