Advocate seniors give college process advice
On May 1, seniors officially declared which college they will be attending this fall.
As the school year comes to a close, the passing of the college process torch commences. By now, the majority of seniors have made their final college decision, and juniors are just getting started with the state-mandated SAT. The Class of 2017 prepares to leave the high school halls, and are here to leave behind some much needed advice, answers, and wisdom to their fellow classmates beginning their college admissions process.
The end of junior year is a confusing, sometimes overwhelming time. You’re loaded up with information from all sides, but have no idea where to start.
The best way to start is with the basics. Go to your counselor for your junior planning conference and talk about the whole process with them. Understanding what you’ll be doing next year helps you open your mind up to potential schools that you’d like to attend.
Start considering potential majors, then begin narrowing down your college criteria based on the schools that accel in the careers you are considering. In the end, it’ll be better for you to look at rankings based on major, rather than big names that may not be the best at your interests.
You also want to start considering where you think you’ll fit in best. Think of diversity, school size, distance from home, etc. Developing criteria will help you search for schools with greater ease. Also consider picking schools that are outside of your comfort zone. Something that may not look appealing now may be what you’re looking for next year.
The key is to start early. Summer after junior year is a pivotal point in the process. Try to make appointments to visit the schools that you’re considering, the sooner the better. Find opportunities to revise your college essays and consider different topics. Make a record of when all of your applications open and when they are due. Most applications open at the end of summer, so getting them over with early will help you have a more relaxed first semester of your senior year.
And remember, don’t panic. This is not the time to have a freak out, because you’re just starting the process. Keep your mind open about your options, and start narrowing down to schools that you actually picture yourself at.

Zeljko Kospic, senior writer for Devils' Advocate, loves to write, socialize, and eat. He is a self-taught guitarist, with a passion for all music genres....

Francesca Halikias is a senior who is a videographer on devils advocate and can often be found accidentally putting dollar bills in the quarter slots in...