Holiday Assembly once again showcases talent
The band and choir worked together to put on a holiday concert show for classes on Dec. 8. They performed for 45 minutes for three different audiences of students.
On Dec. 8, Central’s band and choir ensembles greeted students during an in-school assembly and played and sang holiday favorites. The beginning of the show even included a nod to the upcoming Stars War: Episode VII film releasing on Dec. 18 with the playing of Across the Stars.
The holiday assembly happened to be a yuletide treat for all. Students enjoyed favorites like All I Want for Christmas is You and memorable solo-performances, specifically ones by junior Molly Awalt and seniors Erika Mertz and Presleigh Renner.
Here, the Jazz Ensemble opens the show with the classic Sleigh Bells.
In their closing number, the choirs and band performed the powerful I’ve Got My Love to Keep Me Warm, and a familiar rendition of White Christmas.
The yearly assembly consistently highlights Central’s musical talent and proves excellent through the dedication the students exhibit throughout this stressful time of finals and winter excitement.

When she's not working at the movie theatre or forcing her dogs to cuddle with her, Mackenzie Murtaugh is consistently reading at least 6 books at a time...