Operation Snowball impacts high school communities

Courtesy of Talia Sankari

Operation Snowball 2015 teen staff at the dance at last year’s retreat.

Operation Snowball is a club that helps students get to know peers, while letting them get out of their comfort zones. Students and faculty run the retreat from Nov. 10-12, and students can obtain registration packets starting Sept. 26 in the social work office.

While developing leadership skills through enhancing self-confidence and refining personal goals, Operation Snowball is a youth and adult partnership, providing awareness and prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, while encouraging smart decision-making around the school community.

“The mission is really for students to get to know other students and to live a healthy lifestyle,” said Mrs. Jennifer Cave, sponsor for Operation Snowball.

The adults and staff members who run the club are always looking for new students who are interested in joining.

“Anybody and everybody can be a part of Operation Snowball, any freshman to senior and we do take about 150 students every year. It’s throughout the district, so it’s not only Central’s, but it’s Hinsdale South’s too,” Mrs. Cave said.

Everyone in the club will take part in the retreat at Camp Manitoqua in Frankfurt, Ill. and spend three days with students of all grade levels from both schools.  

“There is a retreat on a weekend in November and it’s three days. You leave Thursday after school and come back on Saturday. The retreat is the main event. Other than that, members can participate in reunion events afterwards,” said Marissa Zayed, junior.

The main focus is to have fun and do things that are engaging, which allows students to mingle with faces they wouldn’t recognize had they not gone.

“It’s three days of various activities. There’s a scavenger hunt, a dance party on Friday with glowsticks, and many more,” Mrs. Cave said.

There are many benefits that come along with registering for Operation Snowball’s fall retreat.

“If you do Snowball, you not only meet new people from Central, but you meet a ton from South too. You learn leadership skills, networking, and bonding. The biggest benefit is you get a whole new family of people who want to help you out,” said Torie Chiaramonte, senior.

Snowball is an experience that allows students to expand their horizons and help them learn more about themselves.