Humans of Hinsdale Central: Spring Break
Many students traveled to different places over this spring break.
What was the highlight of your spring break?

“My favorite memory from spring break was looking at all my daffodils growing out on my back stoop. They are now six inches tall and they are starting to open up because it’s getting to be warm and sunny outside. They are so beautiful to look at.” – Mrs. Hall.

“I visited some colleges in California over spring break. I visited Pepperdine, USC, and [California State University] Long Beach.”
– Kimberly Durcman, junior.

“I went to Cuba for spring break. Since I’m 18 I got to smoke some cigars and I saw some really cool, old cars.” – Matt Sayre, senior.

“The highlight of my spring break was that I was in Las Vegas and I saw a Cirque Du Soleil show.” – Ms. Jolicoeur, librarian.

“I stayed home for spring break but I still had fun. One thing I did was that I went to Buffalo Wild Wings with my friends.”
– Thomas Sabanauskas, freshman.

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