The best comfort foods to help get you through the cold


Courtesy of Food Network

Cinnamon rolls made from a recipe by Food Network are a great option to ward off the cold this winter.

There is nothing better than waking up on a cold winter morning to the smell of cinnamon rolls. It is a similar feeling to chicken noodle soup when you are sick. The smell, the taste, and even the cooking process warms you from the inside out. Keep reading for some recipes to get you through this cold spell for the next couple of weeks. 

When asking around for people’s favorite comfort foods I got a variety of answers, but they all had one thing in common: warmth. From grilled cheese and chicken noodle soup to burgers and tacos to mac n’ cheese and chili, all the foods mentioned are perfect for winter.

But it isn’t just the taste of these that seems to bring people comfort in the winter.

“I’m relaxed by cooking most things. Cutting and measuring things is relaxing,” said Ben Newton, senior. 

And he’s not the only one. Whether it’s the warm kitchen that brings people comfort or the aromas that fill the house, everyone seems to enjoy making these foods. 

When asked about her favorite comfort food, Ms. April McPhillips, family and consumer sciences teacher, said cinnamon rolls. 

A five ingredient carbonara pasta made by Wine Magazine. (Courtesy of Wine Magazine)

“There is something very therapeutic about completing the steps in rising a yeast bread, the precision of the ingredients, the motion of kneading the dough, rising it in a warm place the oven on, the smell it emits, slightly yeasty but warm and cinnamon-y,” McPhillips said. 

I agree. Check out this recipe for some delicious cinnamon rolls! To add to the fun, make them with family and friends.

“I like making brownies and cookies with my mom,” said Charlotte Callahan, senior. 

It’s always nice to have someone to bake with and it is a great way to spend time together with someone. But making and eating comfort foods doesn’t always have to be so unhealthy. The key is that it’s warm.

“You can easily make a beef stew filled with vegetables or chili with ground turkey and beans instead of ground beef,” McPhillips said. “I just had a vegan pozole the other day with hominy, tomatillos, pinto beans and avocado that did a good job of making me feel warmth and comfort.”

At the end of the day what’s important is that you are making and eating foods that make you feel good–whatever that may mean for you. Some of my favorite comfort foods include, turkey tetrazzini, twice baked potatoes, carbonara pasta, french onion soup, any type of chili, and chocolate chip cookies. Turkey tetrazzini and twice baked potatoes are both traditionally made at Thanksgiving in my house, so when they are made at any other time of year they are a big treat. 

I tried french onion soup for the first time in Paris on a cold night after wandering along l’Ile de la Cité, one of the islands in the middle of the city, on the Seine. My mom and I found a small little restaurant and ordered the soup. It warmed us both up very quickly and has been one of my favorites since. 

Lastly, everyone loves a good warm chocolate chip cookie. Crisp on the outside and but gooey in the middle; check out this recipe for a great one. 

I hope you enjoy some of these delicious, warm treats over the next few days to fight the cold outside. Happy cooking!