The Christian faith practices the 40 day period of Lent, where followers fast, give to those in need and pray preparing for Easter, when Christ is risen from the dead. Lent is a time where Christians can repent and grow closer to God.
The season of Lent started on March 5, 2025, also known as Ash Wednesday, when many Christians go to church and receive an ash cross on their head from a priest.
Students from different denominations of the Christian faith have different traditions and practices that they follow during Lent.
“I am Greek Orthodox so we go to church for Ash Wednesday on a different day,” said Elias Argyris, junior. “Instead of the priest putting ashes on us, he puts olive oil in the shape of a cross on our foreheads.”
In the Christian religion, it is very popular for people to fast during Lent. Different denominations fast in different ways.
“We fast for 40 days and can’t have meat, dairy products, eggs, and oil,” Argyris said. “We are basically pescatarians for this period, and can only eat foods like fish.”
Students who practice Catholicism also fast during this time period.
“I am a Catholic, so I am not allowed to eat meat products every Friday and on Ash Wednesday,” said Maddie Chillo, junior. “I also try to eat smaller portions during my meals every day.”
Many Christians give up something that they enjoy doing during Lent as a form of self-discipline and spiritual reflection.
“I gave up sugary sodas for Lent, mainly Dr. Pepper and Sprite,” said Ryan Baltazar, junior.
Other students at Hinsdale Central have a different approach to this idea and incorporate something beneficial into their daily routines instead of taking something away.
“Instead of giving something up this year, I decided I am going to give something towards God,” said Franklin Chemmachel, junior. “I am going to pray every night before bed,”
To learn more about Lent read this article