Trick-or-doggie-treat: Halloween costume Ideas for your pup

As halloween quickly approaches, I’m sure you’re all wondering what to dress up as. Here at Devils’ Advocate, we are wondering what your dog is going to be.

If you’re looking for some last minute ideas, we’re here for you. Here are some recommendations for how your pup can get sick on chocolate in style:


What’s better than dogs dressed up as food? The only time you aren’t disappointed when you think something is a taco but it isn’t is when it’s actually a dog! Other options include hot dogs, candy, or a banana.

This taco costume is a great look for your dog this Halloween.
Emily Tomkinson
This taco costume is a great look for your dog this Halloween.




The always hilarious dressing animals up as other animals. Classic. Disguising your dog as a monkey, cat, or lion is the best way to trick people this Halloween. Hopefully you still get the treat part.

Trick your friends into thinking you are walking a monkey around with you.
Emily Tomkinson
Trick your friends into thinking you are walking a monkey around with you.


Is that a football player? Is it Miley Cyrus? Nope, it’s your dog! If you have a whole family of dogs, I recommend taking this opportunity to dress your dogs up as the Kardashian family.

Arrrrg is the new woof.
Emily Tomkinson
Arrrrg is the new woof.

The key to getting the maximum amount of candy this Halloween is to dress your dog up and teach it to say trick or treat. Works every time.

Have a safe and fun Halloween Devils!