Humans of Hinsdale Central Week 2
The popular Facebook page Humans of New York has swept the web by storm for exposing the uniqueness of New Yorkers, thus inspiring the new Humans of Hinsdale Central.

What was your favorite halloween costume?
“A skeleton back in 2013.”
~Caroline Cubbin, freshman

What is your ideal style on a chilly day?
“A sweater, ripped jeans and boots.”
~Alexandria Atkins, senior

What’s your favorite fall memory?
“Trick or treating naked.”
~Charlie Williams, sophomore

If there was one thing you could pumpkin spice what would it be?
“My lemonade.”
~Riley Griefenkamp, sophomore

What’s your favorite fall recipe?
“Apple Pie.”
~Kayla Hoffman, junior

If I gave you a Jack-O-Lantern and told you to carve anything you desire, what would you carve?
“My dad.”
~Brennan Walsh, sophomore
About the Writer

Sydney Seda, Managing Editor
Sydney Seda is a senior who loves to have a good time. You can catch her watching multiple episodes of Grey's Anatomy or volunteering at Hinsdale Hospital....