Students react to arming teachers


Courtesy of CNN

Each day, students who are part of the Callisburg Independent School District pass signs like this on their way into the building. This could become a reality for many students across the U.S.

After the mass shooting and killing of 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. on Wednesday, Feb. 14, people of all ages, from students to adults, have pushed for stricter gun control. However, President Donald Trump, as well as many other Republicans, are refusing to give up their Second Amendment right to bear arms.

President Trump’s response to these protests was a solution to allow firearm training to school employees who want to keep a gun in their possession in and during school hours in order to protect themselves and their students. The White House said they wanted to partner with local officials to provide “rigorous firearms training” to school personnel, including teachers and other volunteers who want such training.

However, many people are getting mixed signals from President Trump. He has openly voiced sympathy for those who want to see stricter gun control. However, at other times, he has sounded more sympathetic to the National Rifle Association (NRA), which was a major contributor to his 2016 campaign.

Many people, especially students, are concerned about this policy to allow teachers to have guns during the school day in the school. There are student-led scheduled walkouts all over the country in protest of the current gun policies in the U.S., as well as the policies that President Trump is trying to put in place.

“It’s a recipe for disaster because it really doesn’t fight the root of the problem of gun violence,” said Ayah Albareedi, senior. “America is the normalization of guns everywhere, and we often forget that guns are weapons that cause permanent damage, and we need less weapons, not more.”

President Trump has since clarified that he only intends for specific teachers to have guns.

“I don’t want teachers to have guns, I want certain highly adept people, people that understand weaponry, guns — if they really have that aptitude,” President Trump said while discussing how to respond to the latest school shooting in the U.S.

Courtesy of the Daily Mail
In May 2016, President Trump tweeted the exact opposite of what he is now trying to implement in the U.S.

Though many students are highly conflicted on the situation, some are indifferent since they know that President Trump and the Republicans probably won’t budge any further with legislation.

“Honestly, I’ll take what I can get. In an ideal world, there would be super strict gun control, but we don’t live in that world. I know that [President Trump] isn’t going to do anything further than what he is doing now, so I guess this is fine for now,” said Ryan Williams, sophomore.

Some students, on the other hand, are very pro-teachers having guns in school.

“If the teachers would have had guns in school during the Parkland shooting, I think less people would have died. Sure, it’s not 100 percent ideal, but it’s better than nothing and it is a form of protection that is going to help save lives and keep the Second Amendment,” said Danny Conrad, freshman.

If interested in keeping up with Trump’s views, he updates his Twitter frequently.