Humans of Hinsdale Central: Winter Break

Marelena Halikias

While some students stayed home and spent their break with their families, other traveled to tropical areas to relax and wind down after a hectic first semester. The Halikias writers, Marelena and Michalea, traveled to Puerto Rico with family and enjoyed Dorado Beach.

What was your favorite thing you did over winter break?

“This winter break I went to the Maldives, Egypt, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Tokyo, and Hawaii. One day in Abu Dhabi we did this amazing camel ride at sunset through the Leewai Desert,” said Julianne Roberts, sophomore.

“My favorite thing [over winter break] outside of taking care of my children was that some of my friends and I here [at Hinsdale Central] played “Magic”. It’s a card game called ‘Magic: The Gathering.’ Mr. Canavan taught me how to play it. Mr. Scheldrup, Mr. McCloud, Mr. Canavan and I actually play it every Wednesday outside of school, but it was one of the highlights of my break,” said Mr. James Ludois, science teacher.

“My favorite part of winter break was going to Wilmot, Wisconsin with some of my friends. We all went skiing and we went over a few jumps. It was a lot of fun,” said Joey Napolitano, senior.

“Over winter break, I went to Florida with my family. We went fishing one day and I ended up catching a big fish,” said Emily Barnard, junior.

“Over break, my family did a lot of ice skating. We all like to ice skate and it’s something we like to do as a family. We also have a Christmas Eve tradition with my friend and her family of eating lunch at the Sugar Factory and going ice skating in Rosemont,” said Mrs. Erin Fratella, social studies department.