Central holds live day of art in commons


Isabel Palo

On Thursday, April 6, AP art students were given the opportunity to work on their pieces live for everyone to see in the commons.

On Thursday, April 6, Hinsdale Central’s AP studio art class held a “live day of art.” It is an all-day-long event that took place in the school’s commons. All AP art students took the day to finish working on their portfolios. 

AP art students are put to the task of making a portfolio throughout the year that responds to a theme or question the student creates themselves. Many students don’t have the opportunity to pursue art outside of school, so they take this class as an incentive and way to continue something they enjoy.

“I have been doing art as a hobby and taking art classes throughout high school so I wanted to challenge myself,” said Rose Baroni, senior.

There are not many opportunities for art students to be seen outside of the classroom besides the art hung up in the art hallway, so this provides a lot of recognition for many talented students that wouldn’t otherwise have an opportunity to display their talents to the school and to peer. 

AP art students spent all day working on pieces for their portfolios. (Isabel Palo)

“As someone who makes art it’s also really nice to hear words of encouragement and appreciation from teachers, staff members, and students when we do this [live day of art],” said Sophia Mikluskova, senior.

This day of art allows students to showcase their artistic abilities to their classmates. Whether or not those classmates know much about art, it’s definitely something everyone can appreciate.

“I enjoy art, and getting to share it with my peers makes it extra special, ” said Sarah Alamir, senior. 

Live day of art is a semiannual event and students can look forward to the next one this upcoming fall.